Catholic Education South Australia
09 Sep 2015
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CESA hosts SA Minister for Education

Minister for Education and Child Development in South Australia, The Hon Susan Close, met with school leaders at Directors’ Day on Friday 28 August 2015. The Minister highlighted the value of the three sectors in the State working together and affirmed the strong, respectful relationships that exist for the benefit of all students and their families.

Principals engaged in conversation with the Minister focused on four key issues of importance to Catholic Education in South Australia:

Early years services

Participants reflected on Premier Weatherill’s commitment to make early years services a priority in South Australia. They expressed their desire to be part of the provision of these services and urged the government to include CESA in any developments in this area.

Location and funding for year 7

Participants discussed the fact that South Australia is the only state where the Commonwealth funds Year 7s as primary students. The Minister agreed that there is room for healthy debate around the issue of the placement of Year 7 and that funding from the Federal Government needs to be considered.

Improving literacy and numeracy outcomes

Conversation focused on a desire to move to a whole of state approach to improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for students.  The Minister invited CESA to engage in further dialogue about a collaborative approach to improving student outcomes.

Capital funding for Catholic schools

The Minister acknowledged that this has been an ongoing concern for Catholic Education and she committed to following up the issues raised with her Government colleagues.

Catholic Education leaders were very pleased to host Minister Close for this important conversation.


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