Catholic Education South Australia
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20 Feb 2023
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New supported playgroups off to a “beautiful” start

Catholic Education SA (CESA) has welcomed two new supported playgroups in 2023, with both off to a successful start.

Mini Mark’s Playgroup at St Marks College, Port Pirie and St Ignatius Early Years Playgroup at Ignatius Early Years, Norwood are part of CESA’s Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education (SPiCE) Program.

The program is focussed on delivering quality and positive early childhood experiences for children aged birth to 5 years.

There are currently 60 supported playgroups located within Catholic schools across the state, providing a time and place for over 1,600 children and over 1,200 families to play, be and belong.

Mini Mark’s Playgroup welcomed 38 children and their parents at their first session and already have over 50 families signed up to attend future sessions.

The St Ignatius Early Years Playgroup was “blessed with the most perfect weather” for its first day of 2023, with the “sun shining beautifully” on their play spaces.

“The children and their families took their first steps on the process of growing connections through relationships,” said Karen Winderlich, Early Years Leader at Ignatius Early Years of their first day.

Karen added that creating opportunities for young children to play is actually creating opportunities for them to explore, experiment, question and discover an understanding of the world and how they fit into it.

“Playing with balls, digging in the sandpit, building with blocks, making marks with textas and paint and rolling playdough seem to be simple experiences, but these activities actually aid the development of foundational skills such as curiosity, persistence and confidence.”

Unlike community playgroups often run by a parent or community volunteer, each SPiCE playgroup is managed by an experienced, trained and dedicated playgroup facilitator employed by Catholic Education SA.

CESA staff support facilitators with regular access to professional learning, resources, and collaboration and networking opportunities.

Ahead of the 2023 school year, CESA experts trained and supported several new playgroup facilitators and worked with school leaders to develop their individual playgroup programs, to ensure they are providing learning experiences through play that have an impact on children’s early development.

"Supported playgroups work to provide opportunities for children to engage in developmentally appropriate learning experiences that supports their overall development socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively,” said Emily Bowden, Independent Early Years Consultant, Catholic Education SA.

“An important aspect of playgroup is the opportunity it provides for children and parents or caregivers to meaningfully connect with one another and others in the community, while engaging in play.

“Brain development research tells us that the first three years in a child's life are of high importance and impacts their overall development. The close environments in which young children spend their time play an enormous and influential role in shaping their overall development and prepares them for a lifetime of learning both in school and beyond.”

Discover a supported playgroup in a Catholic school near you:

All Saints Catholic Primary School, Seaford
Antonio Catholic School, Morphett Vale
Cardijn College Galilee, Aldinga Beach
Caritas College, Port Augusta
Catherine McAuley School, Craigmore
Christ the King School, Warradale
Dominican School, Semaphore
Emmaus Catholic School, Woodcroft
Holy Family Catholic School, Parafield Gardens
Ignatius Early Years, Norwood
Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Brompton
Mary MacKillop Memorial School, Penola
McAuley Community School, Hove
Mercedes College, Springfield
Mount Carmel College, Pennington
Nazareth Catholic Community, Findon
Our Lady of Grace School, Glengowrie
Our Lady of Hope, Greenwith
Our Lady of the River, Berri
Our Lady of the Visitation School, Taperoo
Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Albert Park
Rosary School, Prospect
Saint David's Parish School, Tea Tree Gully (not operational in Term 1 2023)
St Albert's Catholic School, Loxton
St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Millicent
St Augustine’s Parish Primary, Salisbury
St Brigid’s School, Kilburn
St Catherine’s School, Stirling
St Columba College, Andrews Farm
St Francis of Assisi, Newton
St Francis School, Lockleys
St Francis Xavier’s Catholic School, Wynn Vale
St Gabriel's School, Enfield
St James School, Jamestown
St John Bosco School, Brooklyn Park
St John the Apostle Parish School, Christies Beach
St John the Baptist, Plympton
St Joseph’s Memorial School, Kensington
St Joseph’s Parish School, Gladstone
St Joseph’s School, Hindmarsh
St Joseph's School, Kingswood
St Joseph's School, Ottoway
St Joseph’s School, Payneham
St Joseph's School, Pt Lincoln
St Joseph's School, Tranmere
St Marks College, Port Pirie
St Margaret Mary’s School, Croydon Park
St Martin de Porres School, Sheidow Park
St Martin’s Catholic Primary School, Greenacres
St Mary MacKillop School, Wallaroo
St Mary Magdalene’s School, Elizabeth Grove
St Mary’s College, Adelaide
St Patrick’s School, Mansfield Park
St Pius X School, Windsor Gardens
St Therese Primary School, Colonel Light Gardens
St Thomas School, Goodwood
Star of the Sea School, Henley Beach
Stella Maris Parish School, Seacombe Gardens
Whitefriars Catholic School, Woodville Park
Xavier College, Evanston Campus

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