Catholic Education South Australia
14 Sep 2015
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National Teaching Award Winner 2015

Frank Colagrossi, a class teacher from St Joseph's Tranmere has been awarded a National Teaching Award 2015 sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank. The application required a 600 word submission based on 3 set criteria, involving any business type activity that promotes financial literacy. Frank chose small business stalls.

Frank implemented a Market Day at St Joseph's School, which sees students in Years 5, 6 and 7 work in small groups to create, source and manage a small business enterprise with fellow students. This hands-on learning experience enables young people to work together to gain a valuable understanding of financial and marketing concepts in a way that is engaging, fun and practical.

Frank was humbled when he received confirmation that his application was successful. It means that his school will receive a $10 000 grant to be spent on "money" type resources which will enhance student financial skills plus Frank will receive a $2000 bonus. Frank will be flown to Sydney for 3 days to receive the award on behalf of his school at a special ceremony, hosted by the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank during the September holidays. This is a national event with 15 teachers given the award.

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