Catholic Education South Australia
23 Oct 2015
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2015 Touch Football Carnival

Early Spring saw 341 teams from 42 schools participated over four days in the South Australian Catholic Primary School Sports Association (SACPSSA) Touch Carnival on Park 17 Greenhill Road.  3,069 children were involved.

Touch SA played a big part in the organisation of the carnival in collaboration with Paul Panos and Lisa Mahoney the two SACPSSA Touch Executive members. The help of Matt Swan from Touch SA and his team of assistants was invaluable.
St John Ambulance with their professional, friendly assistance provided their support throughout the four day event.

Robbie from ‘Robbie’s Sound’ provided extra support and SACPSSA thanks all those people concerned including Luke Taverner from St Francis Wynn Vale and Jim Mihelios from Walkerville.

Touch SA ran a Facebook competition for those who ‘liked’ their schools and the winner, St Joseph’s Ottoway, won an all school Touch clinic and a School Touch kit. Congratulations to that school.

An Elite competition for Years 6/7 Boys and Girls was run on Wednesday and the winners, despite the rain and mud, were Marymount Girls 2 who beat Loreto Girls 1 while the Boys saw Rostrevor beat Lockleys 3 – 2. Both games resulted in ‘drop offs’ and proved to be really exciting and of a high standard.

There were three rain- free days for the carnival and Wednesday started with glorious sunshine. However games were curtailed around 1 pm. due to a heavy downpour. The four day competition has proved to be a huge success with an increase in the numbers of schools involved.

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