Catholic Education South Australia
09 Nov 2015
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Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya! – Children’s Celebration

On Friday 30 October, 130 Years R-7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, 43 educators and a number of parents and caregivers from 30 Catholic schools, gathered for the inaugural Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya (‘Children’s celebration’ in Kaurna) cultural program. The weather was perfect and the spacious location of Tauondi Aboriginal College with its picturesque grounds - including a ceremonial site, bush tucker trail and Aboriginal history gallery - formed the ideal setting for this important cultural education event.

The program comprised a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony followed by a rotation of cultural activities facilitated by Aboriginal instructors. These included a cultural tour, boomerang and spear throwing, an aerosol art collaboration and fun Kaurna language activities. At the closing ceremony, students were presented with certificates and gifted with a boomerang. The program also provided a valuable site for professional learning for CESA teachers.

This program highlights the significant partnerships between CESA, the South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Committee (SAAETCC) and Tauondi College.  Aims include:  fostering richer connections between CESA and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and opportunities to support the training, employment and engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people more extensively throughout CESA.
Into the future, Ngunyawayiti Ngadluku Ngartu-itya will continue to give CESA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their teachers, an opportunity to express and learn more about Australia’s history, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritages and identities, and the role we all have towards a reconciled Australia.

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03 Sep 2024

Intergenerational playgroups are truly something special — an experience that enriches the lives of both the young and the older members of our community. These playgroups are more than just a space for children to play; they are a vital platform for different generations to come together, share wisdom, and build meaningful relationships. 

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