Catholic Education South Australia
Port Lincoln poppies
12 Nov 2015
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Port Lincoln Poppies

St Joseph’s School truly embraced the spirit and feeling of Remembrance Day this year. Primary classes made poppies that were ‘planted’ in the front school fence surrounding the words ‘We Will Remember Them’ and ‘Lest We Forget’ that were made and hung by the school groundsmen. This visual representation of the Remembrance Day symbols were a great reminder to all of the sacrifices our soldiers have made for us over many years. The school has received many phone calls and visitors congratulating them on their display, including many Returned Servicemen.

School captains Millie and Jamie  laid a wreath on behalf of the school at the Port Lincoln War Memorial service which all Year 10 students also attended. At the end of the ceremony, St Joseph’s School was publicly commended for the poppy display. All remaining students attended a prayer service at school, where music coordinator Mrs Carolyn Coulson played the Last Post and the Rouse on trumpet which certainly added to the significance and spirit
of this occasion.

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