Catholic Education South Australia
20 Dec 2023
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Catholic School Students Celebrate Remarkable SACE Results

Catholic Education South Australia proudly recognises the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2023" in their SACE results. These outcomes stand as a testament to the unwavering determination, resilience, and commitment showcased by our students, complemented by the invaluable guidance and support provided by our dedicated educators.

A total of 3,413 students from various Catholic schools have successfully completed their SACE, 299 more students than in 2022.

Key highlights include:

  • 99.7% SACE completion rate
  • 36.7% of grades achieved in the A band
  • 348 merit certificates awarded

Governor’s Awards

Ten outstanding students from South Australian Catholic Schools have been honoured with the prestigious Governor of South Australia Commendation - Excellence Award for their exceptional accomplishments in their SACE results.

To qualify for this distinguished award, students must attain 5 subject merits (A+ with Merit), including the Research Project.

The esteemed recipients of the Governor of South Australia Commendation – Excellence Awards for 2023 are:

  • Adrian Niculescu – Sacred Heart College
  • Hayley Wilkinson – Thomas More College
  • India Bament-Sitowski – St Aloysius College
  • Keeley Hurst – Xavier College
  • Lachlan Tripodi – Rostrevor College
  • Mia Eliseo – Saint Ignatius’ College
  • Olivia Harwood – Nazareth Catholic College
  • Ruby Pearce – Cabra Dominican College
  • Tigerlily Santry – Sacred Heart College
  • Aleah Poole – St Columba College

We extend our heartfelt wishes for continued success to all our graduates as they embark on their future endeavours!

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15 Dec 2023

A number of Catholic schools have been recognised by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) for the encouraging outcomes achieved by students in the latest NAPLAN results.

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