Catholic Education South Australia
24 Nov 2015
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Tenison Woods College break the Silence

Tenison Woods College joins schools in the South East to break the silence on domestic violence. More than 280 students in Years 8 to 11 formed the white ribbon symbol at Marist Park this morning to say no to violence.Tenison Woods College Principal and White Ribbon Ambassador David Mezinec said the activity made an important statement: violence towards women is not okay.

“We’re aiming for a society where men’s violence against women ceases to exist. For this to become a reality, we must address the causes of men’s violence against women, traditional gender roles and men’s learned attitudes and behaviours, in order to stop this violence before it happens,” said David.

The Breaking the Silence Schools Program promotes respectful relationships in school culture and classroom activities.

“In breaking the silence against violence we are confronting the harsh reality of the situation in Australia and the South East,” David said.

Locally, our Domestic Violence Support Service is providing crisis support to 15 families at risk at any one time, with another 40 families being monitored due to domestic violence behaviours.

133 Year 8 and 9 Tenison Woods College boys will also come together with representatives of other local schools and community groups for the ‘Loudest Shout’ at the Cave Gardens tomorrow.


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