Catholic Education South Australia
07 Dec 2015
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Catholic Youth Festival Success

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival at the Adelaide Convention Centre, from 3-5 December was a resounding success! The festival engaged three and a half thousand youth from around the nation. The event was supported by a legion of willing volunteers who helped to present the welcoming face of the Catholic Church in South Australia.

Whilst networking with friends and making new ones, young people engaged with the plenary sessions, prayer, liturgy, sacraments and workshops where they interacted with a range of prominent speakers and artists. These included:
• The Governor of South Australia, Hieu Van Le
• Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney
• Fr Philip Marshall, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Adelaide
• Sr Hilda Scott, OSB
• Steph Unger
• Francis Sullivan.

Music and dance flowed through the 3 days with lots of opportunity for community participation. A life-size human foosball table provided the opportunity for some active fun too!
Messages of hope, belief, self-worth, capability, leadership, encounter with God and others were evident as the youth sincerely shared their search for meaning. The Justice Centre provided a tangle social justice opportunity where Vinnies, Caritas and other outreach programs had a colourful and hands-on presence. The INcounter expo featured 60 exhibitors from a diverse range of Catholic organisations. Deep conversations were evident at the various exhibits including the Australian Catholic Bishops stand where conversation and selfies were encouraged!

Opening up on areas of interest, expert panels responded to questions and comments about the environment, human relationships and also social media. Youth looked at Christian responses and where they fit in these important areas of life.

The Convention Centre may be much quieter today but the echoes of the festival will be reverberating around Australia as the youth return home after this amazing festival.

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