Are you open to new ideas about education and interested in a school that redefines measures of success?
Full time, permanent English & Religious Education position available.
Located in Northern Adelaide, St Patrick’s Technical College is unlike other schools - we are for young adults deliberately seeking a different educational experience. We are here for students wanting to learn in the classroom, within the workplace and on the job, enabling them to kick start their real world learning.
The College invites applications from teachers with flexible pedagogy to suit the College’s unique approach to learning. With a focus on delivering SACE framework subjects within an accommodating and collaborative culture, we encourage passionate and creative teachers from all learning areas to apply.
An ability to also teach in the following areas is highly desirable: Maths, Science, Health, Food & Hospitality, Exploring/Activating Identities & Futures.
Middle school trained teachers could be suitable for this role.
The College reserves the right to commence screening and interviews as soon as suitable candidates are identified, so please submit your completed application as soon as possible.
Successful candidates will be required to undergo our screening process.
Are you following us on LinkedIn & Facebook?
Please provide the following information in your written application. All documents are to be submitted as 1 PDF file:
Covering letter addressed to the Principal, Danny Deptula (no more than 1 page)
CV including the names and contact details (incl mobile phone number) of two referees, inlcuding current Line Manager.
Completed CESA Employment Declaration
Current certificates:
SA Teacher Registration
Working with Children Check
Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care training (RRHAN-EC)
First Aid training
Keep Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
Enquiries regarding the above positions can be made via
The College reserves the right to commence screening and interviews as soon as suitable candidates are identified, so please submit your completed application as soon as possible.
It is required that a CESA Employment Declaration be completed and submitted with your application.
Catholic Education South Australia proudly extends its congratulations to the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2024" in their SACE results. These results are a reflection of our students' determination, resilience, and dedication, supported by the invaluable guidance and encouragement of our committed educators and the students' families.
Announced today all three South Australian education sectors – Public, Independent and Catholic – will take significant steps towards a more inclusive education system in South Australia.
The reforms are set to deliver on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.