Caritas Australia and the Archdiocese of Adelaide are seeking a passionate person to join the Caritas network of Diocesan Directors who make real the vision of Caritas Australia at the local archdiocesan level. Caritas is seeking an energetic individual with a strong commitment to the mission of Caritas Australia, the ethos of the Catholic Church and Catholic Social Teaching. This paid role, appointed by Caritas Australia in conjunction with the Archbishop, promotes the work of Caritas Australia within the archdiocese through education, fundraising, advocacy and relationships with Catholic schools, parishes and the wider Catholic community. This is a flexible role averaging up to 11-15 hours per week across the year, with more hours required during our Project Compassion appeal (February-May).
For any further questions or enquiries, please contact Nicole Dobrohotoff at
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Catholic Education South Australia proudly extends its congratulations to the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2024" in their SACE results. These results are a reflection of our students' determination, resilience, and dedication, supported by the invaluable guidance and encouragement of our committed educators and the students' families.
Announced today all three South Australian education sectors – Public, Independent and Catholic – will take significant steps towards a more inclusive education system in South Australia.
The reforms are set to deliver on the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.