Four Catholic schools across South Australia have been awarded $6.34 million in grants for capital works to improve learning spaces, increase opportunities for disadvantaged students and cater for more diverse learning needs.
The State Government grants — $6.34 million for Catholic schools and $6.38 million for independent schools — are for building projects to commence over the next year.
Introduced in 2018 to ensure all students have access to a first-class education, the latest funding under the scheme has been approved for four projects at Catholic schools and 103 smaller projects at independent schools.
The Catholic school projects, funded by calendar year, are:
Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training and Skills made the announcement today at a press conference held at Our Lady of Grace, Glengowrie:
“All students have the right to reach their full potential, regardless of where they attend school.
“Schools across the education sector need to undertake strategic capital planning to address current issues and support future needs.
“Some non-government schools need to deal with enrolment pressures, manage accessibility concerns or update or replace spaces that are no longer suitable.
“The State Government has provided $11 million, indexed annually, since 2018-19 for infrastructure upgrades at non-government schools. The funding is split equally between the independent non-government school and Catholic school sector.”
John Neate, Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools Chair (SACCS) added:
“We would like to extend our thanks to the State government for their continued support through this funding program.
“Since its inception in 2018 we have been able to make significant upgrades to a number of Catholic schools, across South Australia, which have benefitted the students and communities immensely.”
Image credits: Callan Forgan
World Teachers Day, celebrated in Australia this year on October 25, offered a chance to thank all teachers with the ‘Hats Off’ theme, acknowledging the invaluable contributions they make to our communities.
As part of the annual World Teachers’ Day celebrations, Educators SA hosted a gala awards evening to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our state’s outstanding educators.
This year's Educators SA Awards ceremony was held at the Adelaide Oval and attended by more than 300 invited guests, with awards presented by Blair Boyer MP, Minister for Education, Training and Skills and Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the Department for Education.