Catholic Education South Australia
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20 Jun 2016
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Staff Explore Heart Spirituality

On Friday 10 June all staff from Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Brompton attended a Reflection day at the Somerton Surf Life Saving club.  The purpose of the day was for staff to explore, deepen and engage with the concept of Heart Spirituality in the context of the Missionaries of the Heart and our 2016 theme: "Love - Let all you do be done in Love" (1 Corinthians 16:14).  The three sessions were around personal, school and global perspectives.  Lisa McCormick (APRIM) facilitated the day.

A number of thinking routines and processes were used to assist staff in their own faith formation and understanding of these concepts.  Paintings from Seiger Koder's collection were used as a way of reflecting on the concept of love.  Participants used the thinking routine of See, Think, Wonder to deepen their connection to the painting and to the theme. Doing Theology formed a core part of the morning session allowing staff to explore a way to build a community response to a problem through the eyes of our tradition.  The text used were excerpts from 'Children: Closer to the Mystery of God'.

Fr Bill Brady, Parish Priest at the Flinders Park, Findon and Hindmarsh Catholic Parish, shared the story of Fr Jules Chevalier and the theology, practise and purpose of 'Heart Spirituality'.  He then led us in a liturgy whilst overlooking the rough, rugged and life-giving ocean.

The final session of the day explored the parables (from the Year of Mercy Resource) using the Colour Symbol Image thinking routine.  Finally, staff partnered up to reflect on the day as the staff completed an Emmaus walk. 


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