Catholic Education South Australia
05 Aug 2016
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St Pat's Tech provides fresh running water to Cambodian village

Seven students and three staff from St Patrick’s Technical College participated in a Community Service Tour to Cambodia from 18 to 29 July, 2016.

During their time there, they enthusiastically worked with the Self Help Community Centre, a Non-Government organisation that provides a safe environment for over 1,500 disadvantaged children and young adults in the Kro Bei Riel Community, Siem Reap.

The main focus of the Cambodia trip was to install over 700 metres of piping to supply the Self Help Community Centre with clean running water.

Despite extreme weather conditions, the project was successfully achieved - thus allowing fresh water access to the kitchen and toilet facilities.

The group were also able to establish a basic library facility, as well as provide over 300 students with toothbrushes, toothpaste and a basic understanding of oral hygiene.

The experience was extremely rewarding and gave inspiration for personal reflection.

The group documented their amazing journey through photos and video on the St Patrick's Technical College facebook page - @stpatstech

Student reflection:

“I feel as though I have made an impact on a community that isn't well-off. I hope it would be something that will help the community for years to come and is a sustainable project that will continue in our absence”

“Working at SHCC has made me so grateful for all that I have in Australia. It has opened my eyes to how far donations and hard work can go”

“I have gained a greater sense of appreciation for all that we have and am inspired by their resourcefulness and simplicity of life”

“I have gained a sense of what other people have to deal with and an understanding that their problems are a lot worse than any of mine. I am inspired by how they remain so positive. I have gained a lot of empathy throughout my time in Cambodia and have become more appreciative of the things I have”

“I gained a different perspective on life and have become extremely appreciative for what I have”

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