Catholic Education South Australia
14 Aug 2016
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Journey to the City of Mercy for World Youth Day 2016

story by Josh McDermid and Amelia Cooper, Cardijn College

World Youth Day 2016 could be more aptly described as World Youth Week. Embarking from Adelaide Airport, we were fortunate enough to join the pilgrim group from the Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Diocese of Port Pirie on a journey to the City of Mercy, Krakow, Poland.

Upon arriving in Poland we had the opportunity to do some sightseeing and we were struck by the incredible array of churches and palaces. The most moving moment however, was when we entered the Jewish ghetto and saw the monuments that commemorated the enormous suffering of Polish Jews.

We experienced many wonderful events in our time in this amazing country; including the Opening Mass, catechesis sessions, the Papal Welcome and the Way of the Cross and especially the Mass held in the chapel of Cardijn house patron, St Maximilian Kolbe, celebrated by Archbishop Philip Wilson. On this same day we were privileged to see the miraculous icon, the Black Madonna, with some of us taking part in the traditional practice of walking around the icon on our knees.

The event on Saturday evening saw a number of young people share their inspiring testimonies, (none more so than a young woman from Syria). Pope Francis preached to us and then led us in Eucharistic Adoration and the concert that followed included Sister Christina, an Ursuline nun who won The Voice Italy in 2014.

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on the Sunday with a gathering of 2.5 million people.  After this incredible experience we began the long journey back to Krakow in the heat and humidity. This 18km trek, after no breakfast and no sleep, was a hard slog and required mental strength when our physical strength failed.

After recovering from the excitement and the walking, our coach took us to Prague. Here we had a chance to see the many sights, including another icon, the Infant Jesus of Prague. It was also an opportunity to reflect on the experience and the Pope’s messages before making the long flight back to Adelaide.

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