Catholic Education South Australia
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06 Sep 2017
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Community Art Launch

At Immaculate Heart of Mary Brompton (IHM) the local neighbourhood and its beauty matters.

That’s why staff and students from IHM teamed up with local artists, community members, businesses, the City of Charles Sturt and Renewal SA for an art project titled ‘The Lizard and Neighbourhood Creatures’, launched today.

The project’s aim was to beautify a dreary corner at the pedestrian rail crossing on the corner of Drayton Street and Torrens Rd.

Over the duration of the 18-month project, students from Years 4-7 worked with local artists to produce a huge lizard sculpture of a Pygmy Blue Tongue lizard and a series of quirky neighbourhood creatures made from recycled materials.

The art works were launched by special guest speaker, Dr Mark Hutchinson Senior Research Scientist in Herpetology from the SA Museum, who shared his knowledge and passion for lizards with the IHM children and guests in attendance.

Special guests welcomed at the launch included the artists Will Powrie, Jacqui Hunter, Paul Anderson and Rosina Possingham, along with partners in the project from City of Charles Sturt, National Resource Management (NRM), Australian Rail Track Corp and Catholic Education SA (CESA).

At the launch the Principal, Ms Pauline Kinsman stressed the importance of community involvement and collaboration,  “For the children at IHM, this art project has been an important part of their learning and growth, they’ve learnt things about design, planning and aesthetics but just as importantly, they have had the chance to understand more about what it means to be an active citizen, what it is to participate, to collaborate, to problem solve with each other and with those beyond the school fences and to contribute to the community in which they live.

Most importantly, they know that they are valued citizens, that they can and do contribute to life in the community and make a positive difference. “

Submitted by Lisa McCormick, Immaculate Heart of Mary School

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