Catholic Education South Australia
24 Jun 2019
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Catholic Education SA launches new VET website

Catholic Education SA launches their Vocational Education website at the beginning of a major review of Vocational Education and Training (VET) for School Students being undertaken by the Marshall Liberal Government. This review will focus on ways to increase the numbers of vocational pathways from school to employment, increase student demand for VET pathways and provide a supply of skilled workers to support the needs of South Australia’s industry. A recent report from the Training and Skills Commission highlights that around 247,000 qualifications will need to be delivered to meet the skills requirements of South Australian businesses over the next five years, and 82% of the occupations forecast to have the highest growth over the coming years will need VET qualifications rather than a bachelor degree.

The aim of the CESA Vocational Education website is to promote and strengthen vocational pathways available through Catholic secondary schools. These VET courses include Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start), Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, Certificate III Media, and Certificate III in Health Services Assistance and many more. These programs are an integral part of the curriculum and are recognised for SACE completion.  The website has a sophisticated search function to enable students and parents to locate VET courses by region, industry or career pathway. It will determine which schools offer the VET courses that most meets the needs of the students and provide further information for students, parents and teachers to support them in their decision making.

VET enables students to gain knowledge and skills they'll need to be successful throughout life and in their careers and chosen pathways. It prepares students for emerging industries and occupations; the jobs of the future will require students to possess a range of transferable skills such as creativity, problem solving and critical thinking whilst developing a range of skills and dispositions to be active citizens in future learning, work, community and personal life.

The review is available on the YourSAy website and public consultation is open until 26 July 2019.

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Last month saw many of our schools’ leadership teams involved in one or more of the programs offered by Catholic education SA's Staff Spiritual & Religious Formation Team.

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