Catholic Education South Australia
21 Jun 2015
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Enrichment Programs at St Josephs School Kingswood

The staff of St Joseph’s, St Thomas and St Therese’ Schools are witnessing amazing engagement and fantastic results from the unique and valuable Cluster Enrichment Program. Reflecting on the program, staff at St Joseph’s Kingswood decided to provide this experience across the whole school. Out of this excitement the Early Years and Primary Enrichment Programs evolved.

There are a variety of different learning opportunities for students from Foundation to Year 4 which caters to many different learning styles. The elective program is designed to offer new learning opportunities for students which appeal to their interests. All the programs have academic rigour but the “buzz” and excitement amongst the students would have you believe they are just in it for the fun!

The Early Years Enrichment offers Stop Motion Animation, Introduction to Robotics, Dance, Puppetry, Drawing and Volcano Construction. Below is a brief description of each rich learning task.

Stop Motion Animation, otherwise known as Claymation, is where students learn the techniques and skill processes involved in creating a stop-motion animation movie using the iPad application Smoovie. They create a storyboard and using clay to make characters and props to produce their own stop-motion movies.

Introduction to Robotics is where students are learning how to program a robot to undertake simple instructions through various programs.  The programming occurs through scanning barcodes and using a computer program.  The children also individualise their robot by using Lego.

Through dance, students are developing an awareness of the ways their bodies move, the space in which they move, the time and quality of their movements and their relationship to each other and objects. The students participate in dance warm ups, individual and partner dances and have the opportunity to work in small groups to choreograph their own dance.

Students are creating a variety of puppets including sock puppets, hand puppets, paper bag puppets, paper cup puppets and papier mache puppets. The students use different techniques and materials to create their own imaginative puppets.

The Primary Years Enrichment Program offers the same diversity that is evident in the Early Years where their learning experiences include  Volcano Construction,  Rocketry, Mime, Painting and Sports Science.

Every Friday when Enrichment commences the school is alive with students who are engaged, excited and immersed in their own learning interest. St Joseph’s School is looking forward to their open day on the last day of term 3 when the learning from this new program will be on display.

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