Catholic Education South Australia
18 May 2022
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Catholic Education SA’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation held in April 2022 on Catholic Education South Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.

Feedback was received from a broad cross section of stakeholders including employees, volunteers, contractors and the Independent Education Union.

As part of the consultation process, Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) sought to be guided by the best, most up-to-date and most reputable health advice, including that provided by the Chief Public Health Officer for South Australia, Professor Nicola Spurrier, who supports what is being proposed from a public health perspective.

All 16 employers within CESA have now endorsed the policy and procedure, and final approvals were provided by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS).

As a result, CESA will implement the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure on Monday 16 May 2022.

Existing workers and others have a 5 week period to meet the requirements of the policy. The transition period will be in operation until 19 June 2022.

The policy aims to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for CESA workers, including CESA staff, regular volunteers (including board members) and contractors and to put in place measures that will protect people and the community associated with CESA and our schools and sites, as much is reasonably practicable, from acquiring and transmitting COVID-19.

Under the policy, CESA workers will be required to:

  • have completed a course (being 1 dose of a single-dose vaccine, or 2 doses of a double-dose vaccine, in accordance with the schedule recommended by ATAGI) of a TGA-approved or recognised COVID-19 vaccine; or
  • be considered medically exempt with a Medical Contraindication to Vaccination which means one of the contraindications outlined in formal clinical advice from the Australian Department of Health to vaccine providers based on advice from the TGA and ATAGI.

Employers will continue to monitor the application of the policy and procedure, and the impact of COVID-19 within our educational settings. This information along with any changes in COVID-19 settings will be used to inform the review of the policy and procedure which is scheduled to begin in August 2022.

Read More about Catholic Education SA’s Covid Safe Policies.

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16 May 2022

Catholic Education Week was celebrated in South Australia from May 9-15 2022 (Week 2, Term 2).

Catholic Education Week is an annual opportunity to celebrate the excellent teaching and learning that happens in Catholic schools every day.

In 2022, the week had a particular focus on saying ‘thank you’.

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