Catholic Education South Australia
03 Mar 2023
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Young learners ‘thriving’ in newest Catholic preschools

Two new preschools have opened in South Australian Catholic schools in 2023.

The new early learning spaces at St Joseph’s School, Port Lincoln and Holy Family Catholic School, Parafield Gardens have joined the list of 10 dedicated preschools in Catholic schools across the state which also includes:

  • Our Lady of the Visitation Preschool, Taperoo
  • St Joseph’s Memorial Preschool, Norwood/Kensington
  • St Joseph’s Preschool, Hectorville 
  • St Joseph’s Preschool, Hindmarsh
  • St Joseph’s Preschool, Ottoway
  • St Joseph’s Preschool, Payneham 
  • St Margaret Mary’s Preschool, Croydon Park
  • St Thomas Preschool, Goodwood.

Each preschool offers a play-based program for up to 15 hours per week, designed and delivered by qualified early childhood teachers. 

St Joseph’s Preschool at Port Lincoln welcomed 22 children for their first week in January in their brand new, purpose-built Early Years building.

Director Sarah Wohling said the new preschool gives young children opportunities to explore, develop new skills and form friendships before they make the transition into primary school.

“Preschool builds a strong foundation for future learning,” said Sarah.

“This is why we prioritise relationships and provide children with high quality care and education in a safe and stimulating environment. By encouraging children to imagine, discover and create, meaningful connections will be built, and children will grow the skills and confidence needed to start school and achieve excellence.”

Holy Family Preschool opened for 4- to 5-year-olds in the Early Learning Precinct at Holy Family Catholic School. Alongside the preschool program, the centre also offers long day care for children aged 3 to 5.

An adjacent park and billabongs in the primary school which house precious and endangered Southern Spotted Gudgeon provide a wonderful natural backdrop for the preschool and ensure young learners don’t just talk about ecology – they put it into action.

An already established preschool, St Joseph’s Preschool and Early Learning at St Joseph’s School, Hectorville has opened a new purpose-built facility in 2023.

The new building also hosts a playgroup for children aged 0 to 4 years who are not attending preschool, as well as occasional care, in half and full-day sessions for children who have turned 3.

“We have had a great start to the year in our new St Joseph’s Preschool and Early Learning facility - our early learners are thriving!” said Lisa Edwards, Educational Leader.

“The children have comfortably settled into their new environment by exploring inside and out, creating connections with their educators and peers, and discovering the wonderful feeling of 'learning’.

“We view all children as capable learners and intentionally provide play-based learning activities that foster creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and independence.”

Juliana Martino, Education Advisor - Early Years at Catholic Education SA said children's learning in their earliest years sets important foundations for life.

“When their natural curiosity in the world around them flourishes, there are significant benefits to their communication, confidence and language development. That’s why offering preschool spaces that provide opportunities for exploration and play-based learning experiences is crucial.”

Read more about early years services in South Australian Catholic schools on the Catholic Education SA website.

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20 Feb 2023

Catholic Education SA (CESA) has welcomed two new supported playgroups to its Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education (SPiCE) Program in 2023. The program is focussed on delivering quality and positive early childhood experiences for children aged birth to 5 years.

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