As South Australians continue to feel the impact of COVID, Catholic Education SA has announced there will be no increase in school fees at our 86 Diocesan schools for the 2023 school year.
Three leaders in Catholic Education South Australia have been recognised for their work in leadership by the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL).
Each year, the South Australian branch of ACEL honours educational leaders who in the view of their peers have made a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of educational leadership.
Language students in South Australian Catholic schools will benefit from a landmark partnership between Catholic Education SA and the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney.
A joint initiative will see the two organisations collaborating to support the learning and teaching of Indonesian language in Catholic schools in South Australia and of English in Indonesia.
Catholic Education SA teachers have been awarded by the Department of Education for achieving Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher status by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).
Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation recognises and rewards highly innovative and exemplary expert teachers who routinely work independently and collaboratively to improve their practice and the practice of colleagues.
Choosing a school for your child is one of the biggest decisions you make as a parent. It is important to consider all the options in your local area. In South Australia, families have a wide range of schooling options, including a Catholic Education.
Some very talented students from South Australian Catholic schools are already making their mark in the business world, designing their own innovative products and launching their own brands - while still in school.
The Advertiser spoke to some of these young people making a difference to their community.
To coincide with National Reconciliation Week, the South Australian Catholic secondary school sports association have celebrated a Reconciliation Round of sports fixtures, including netball and AFL football.
Some schools marked the round by wearing Indigenous design sports uniforms custom-created by students to tell their own personal stories.
This National Volunteer Week, we celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteers in our school communities and say thank you for their selfless and tireless dedication.
Our 103 Catholic schools in SA are built on the hard work of its volunteers – and a very special one was celebrated at the recent Catholic Education Awards on May 21.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation held in April 2022 on Catholic Education South Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
Feedback was received from a broad cross section of stakeholders including employees, volunteers, contractors and the Independent Education Union.
Catholic Education Week was celebrated in South Australia from May 9-15 2022 (Week 2, Term 2).
Catholic Education Week is an annual opportunity to celebrate the excellent teaching and learning that happens in Catholic schools every day.
In 2022, the week had a particular focus on saying ‘thank you’.