Did you catch Channel 9's summer special of 'In the Garden with Kim Syrus' on 6 January?
If not, watch it here and see the gorgeous reception students from St Francis of Assisi School, Newton.
Recently St Michael’s College farewelled four students and two staff as they embarked on the 2016 Rome Exchange.
On 10 November, the newly established St Anthony’s School Edwardstown Little Investigators Playgroup were delighted to welcome special visitors from Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Education Office, Tim Elliot Head of School Services and Alice Castrisson Early Childhood Project Officer, Jane Lemon from DECD and Tina Adamo from Catholic Education SA.
A Twilight Catholic Schools Music Festival Concert will be held at St Michael’s College, 15 Mitton Road, Henley Beach on Saturday November 19 at 7pm. The Concert will be held in the Founders Hall and tickets will be available at the door.
Ticket Prices: Adults- $15/ All Concessions-$10 / Children 5years and under- $5
Tickets will be refunded for cancelled Catholic Schools Music Festival performances on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th September, 2016.
During the next fortnight, 32 CESA schools are participating in a NAPLAN Online Platform Trial and Readiness Test. These schools have all expressed interest in their students doing NAPLAN tests online in 2017.
story by Josh McDermid and Amelia Cooper, Cardijn College
World Youth Day 2016 could be more aptly described as World Youth Week. Embarking from Adelaide Airport, we were fortunate enough to join the pilgrim group from the Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Diocese of Port Pirie on a journey to the City of Mercy, Krakow, Poland.
Seven students and three staff members from St Patrick’s Technical College recently participated in a Community Service Tour to Cambodia...
Staff at the Catholic Education Office thanked and farewelled Ann Bliss at a special Morning Tea this week, as she concludes her role as Executive Director of the Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities after 10 years...
A number of our schools have featured in The Advertiser in the lead up to Catholic Education Week (May 13 – 20).