Catholic Education South Australia

A Tribute to Penny Penhall OAM

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23 Jul 2015

80 people gathered on Wednesday 22 July at the Grange Golf Club for the launch of CESA’s ‘Children: Close to the Mystery of God’ stimulus paper. The publication is the result of 18 month’s work by the ‘Theology of the Child’ Working Party. It describes the profound value in which the Catholic theological tradition holds children and childhood. The document reflects a facet of CESA’s Reimagining Childhood initiatives.

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10 Jul 2015

On Monday 29 June, six Christian Brothers College students were invited to attend the UniSA Magill campus for the State Finals of the Brain Bee Challenge and they won the Team challenge!

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07 Jul 2015

Dr Paul Sharkey returned to the Catholic Education SA Conference Centre, Thebarton on Friday where over 80 people gathered for the launch of his book “Educator’s Guide to Catholic Identity”. In his book Paul describes practical ways Australian schools are developing their pastoral care programs, curriculum, liturgy and teaching approaches to enhance their Catholic identity.

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30 Jun 2015

Once again braving a cold night outdoors, Anne Spencer, Languages Consultant at the Catholic Education Office completed her fifth sleep-out for the homeless as part of Vinnies Winter sleepout last Thursday Night. Cardboard boxes were the only wind-break as leaders hunkered down for the night. This year, Anne along with 90 other community leaders, slept in Victoria Square raising over half a $million between them.

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22 Jun 2015

Over 25 reception children celebrated their 100th day at St Anthony’s School Edwardstown today! This morning Reception and Year 1 students and staff dressed as 100 year olds, made paper chains with 100 loops, built a castle out of 100 paper cups and made crowns to wear showing 100 candles on a cake. Students were set the challenge of building something out of 100 foam noodle pieces, 100 coloured sticks and painting one hundred dots in sets of 10.

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21 Jun 2015

The staff of St Joseph’s, St Thomas and St Therese’ Schools are witnessing amazing engagement and fantastic results from the unique and valuable Cluster Enrichment Program. Reflecting on the program, staff at St Joseph’s Kingswood decided to provide this experience across the whole school. Out of this excitement the Early Years and Primary Enrichment Programs evolved.

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