Catholic Education South Australia

An outstanding opportunity to make an impact...

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24 Feb 2016

On Tuesday 23 February, the St Joseph’s School community gathered in the school gymnasium for the Beginning of Year Welcoming Liturgy. This was a chance to welcome all new students and families to our school community. The Year 12 students welcomed the new Reception students to St Joseph’s through the “Shake and Take” ceremony. Student Representative Council Members, Boarding House Leaders, Primary and Secondary Sports Captains and Music Captains were also presented and blessed.

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22 Feb 2016

Over 40 Catholic school principals and playgroup coordinators gathered today at the Catholic Education Conference Centre for the first professional development day in Catholic Education SA’s Supported Playgroups in Schools program, known as SPinS. Participants came from Port Lincoln, Penola and other remote and metropolitan schools in-between.

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18 Feb 2016

There were 672 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled in 84 Catholic schools across South Australia at the end of 2015. We acknowledge the great work being done by schools to nurture and support the well-being and success of their students at school and beyond. The 2015 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cohort achieved a 97% SACE completion rate and Gabriella Onorato from Nazareth Catholic College who achieved a SACE Merit Award.The outstanding student achievements of 2015 are indeed worthy of celebration. Sincere congratulations to all these students.

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12 Feb 2016

Children are developing skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) thanks to a new initiative in Catholic preschools and early years services.

The Little Scientists program is designed to build children’s curiosity through age-appropriate, fun and playful experiments. The program also supports and encourages teachers and educators to implement STEM ideas and concepts while exploring together with their children.

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09 Feb 2016

Pope Francis has recently asked us not to waste this coming season of Lent.

With Ash Wednesday upon us and the Year of Mercy underway, what kind of wastage might Francis be wanting us to avoid? The Pope’s 2016 Lenten message is clear...

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02 Feb 2016

After sending good wishes to schools for a successful 2016 school year, Director of Catholic Education SA, Helen O’Brien has received some delightful stories from principals.

“The enthusiasm in their voices and stories is infectious!” Helen said.
“This is one of those times that we are reminded of the powerful roles our school communities play in the lives of the children and young people who attend our schools. This is true for the staff members and for families too. Our schools make a profound contribution to society through the young people and those who serve them”.

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01 Feb 2016

Christian Brothers College students will be greeted with two newly constructed Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Laboratories. The construction of the CBC Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics facility coincides with the January 2016 release of the national paper: ‘Transforming STEM teaching in Australian primary schools: everybody’s business’ by the Office of Australia’s Chief Scientist.

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01 Feb 2016

Over 48,000 students are starting school this week in a Catholic School in South Australia. They will be supported by over 6,000 staff members across 103 schools. This year 3,500 students will start in Reception while 3,900 students will commence in Year 8.

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01 Feb 2016

Cardijn College is pleased to be involved in a UniSA Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) project along with other schools and industry. This significant STEM project is of great benefit to the schools involved, such as Cardijn College, Brighton High, ASMS and LeFevre High and it could provide a model for other schools into the future.

A video has been released by UniSA recently. You will see that Cardijn, Brighton High, ASMS and LeFevre High are leading schools in STEM education.

Another STEM project has been developed by Flinders University (Stem and Student pathways).

01 Feb 2016

Proud Grandfather, Denis Ralph, spoke of his family experience as his grandchildren commenced school: Our grandson Harrison started at Star of the Sea today. He rang me after school to announce "I learnt a new word today Gramps". Then told me they talked about the importance of Respect.


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