Catholic Education South Australia

Matilda’s style lands her a part time job

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Reconcilaition Relay (4).JPG
16 Nov 2015

On Thursday, 12 November, Mount Carmel College, Rosewater participated in the Reconciliation Relay. The aim of the Relay is to raise awareness within the region about Reconciliation. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) students, as well as a select group of Year 8 students played host to the Kalaya Children’s Centre, Queenstown, as they transported the message sticks, beautiful artwork, and gifts from their own and other schools, to Mount Carmel.


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09 Nov 2015

On Friday 6 November 60 people gathered in the Catholic Education Conference Centre to recognise and thank Fr Tony Densley for his significant contribution to Catholic Education over the last 32 years.

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05 Nov 2015

This week Director of Catholic Education SA, Helen O’Brien, had the pleasure of meeting with the School Board at St Patrick's Technical College, Edinburgh North.  The School Board members comprise both educational personnel and business representatives who have strategic relationships with the college. They are all passionate about the vocational outcomes for all of their students.



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04 Nov 2015

Indigenous culture has been the focus of learning this term for the year 9 students at Kildare College, Holden Hill. This learning culminated recently in a day of hands on workshops to give the students a taste of Indigenous culture and traditions.

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02 Nov 2015

Along with teachers across Australia and around the world, staff in Catholic schools celebrated World Teachers Day on Friday 30 October in a range of ways. Morning teas were popular across the state including Tenison Woods College at Mount Gambier where Principal David Mezinic thanked staff for their work, as teachers enjoyed delicious refreshments.
Helen O’Brien, Director of Catholic Education SA, congratulated and thanked principals, teachers and school communities as they celebrated World Teachers Day.

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